As the world require advanced tools and solutions to a more sustainable future, the oil and gas industry is keeping up with these trends. Professionals of the whole energy sector gather at the Oil and Gas Automation and Digitalisation Congress (AUTOMA) 2024 to share their experiences in using smart technologies to achieve carbon-neutral goals. AUTOMA 2024 is held on 14-16 October 2024 Düsseldorf, Germany.
As digitalisation has become a key part of companies’ business strategies, it unlocks more opportunities to optimise industry processes and decrease carbon emissions with the implementation of smart innovations. To learn more about the latest digital technologies and tools for the greener future, AUTOMA 2024 starts with the opening C-level panel where speakers from Ericsson, Hexxell, DESFA, Italgas and Shell present digital approaches on minimising the carbon emissions. For example, Shell intends to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050. To decarbonise operations, the company uses AI for the molecular modelling of solvents for capturing carbon dioxide (CO₂), the most common greenhouse gas.
One more case of using the digital innovation to lower the carbon emission is going to be presented by Axel Scherello, Senior Project Leader at OGE, during the session about smart pipeline management. Alex Scherello shares the practical aspects of how to fulfil EU’s methane regulation using airborne gas detection. As the main company’s goal is to achieve a 55% reduction in the methane emissions by 2025 compared to 2009 levels, OGE implements mobile compressors in repair works that are carried out on long-distance pipelines. To isolate and depressurise the affected section of the pipeline, the mobile compressors enable the natural gas to be transferred into another pipeline system and helps to reduce the company’s methane emissions by up to 95%.
The alternative digital approach that contributes to positive impacts on climate change is among the presentations of the leaders talks on the second day of the Congress. Simon Bunegar, Chief Product Officer at Grandperspective, shares how to monitor emissions of chemical plants by using FTIR remote sensing. With the patented sensor and analysis technology that detects over 400 chemicals at large distances, the system automatically visualises and localises gas clouds, warns of gas leaks and provides emission reporting in real time.
The agenda of the second day of AUTOMA 2024 also includes а workshop on green innovations, hosted by Shell Energy & Chemicals Park Rheinland and company’s partners Energy Robotics and coac GmbH. Thomas Klein, Digital Innovation Lead at Shell Energy & Chemicals Park Rheinland, and Marc Dassler, Chief Executive Officer at Energy Robotics, are going to showcase the 360° automated inspections from the ground and the air. The audience has a chance to experience the showcased technologies through live remote demos.
Following the presentation of 360° automated inspections, Martin Prinz, Managing Director at coac GmbH, joins Thomas Klein to present AI-driven inspection management system and navigate participants through the SEP Platform. The Smart Equipment Passport is a digital platform that provides artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to create digital identities for equipments in process industry.
AUTOMA 2024 is concluded by the session on the end-user experience of working with start-ups. Knut Husdal, CEO at Novatech AS, presents the report on using AI to achieve net-zero in the energy sector based on the experienced solutions with integrated AI and machine learning models.
By using digital tools, the oil and gas industry can significantly reduce its carbon footprint while maintaining operational efficiency. The Oil and Gas Automation and Digitalisation Congress 2024 is a place to meet the decision-makers and key experts of the industry and emphasise the importance of digitalisation in the carbon-neutral future.
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