The online international workshop “Cybersecurity within Healthcare Systems” takes place on the 17 of February 2021 from 10-13 am CET. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the current status, pros and cons and consider the future requirements for cybersecurity solutions in the area of digital healthcare. The event is organised by HubIT, a project funded by the European Commission to activate and improve the interaction between the social sciences and the technology communities towards promoting more responsible research and innovation in line with societal needs.

The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) introduces radical changes in our lives. They provide answers to a multitude of people needs, but at the same time they increase the concerns about their actual threats and societal impacts. This calls for adopting a responsible research and innovation perspective in the process of developing ICT solutions. The purpose of RRI is to achieve a better alignment of R&I programs and agenda with societal needs and concerns.  It intends to introduce the idea of responsible Research and Innovation in digital technologies ensuring that ICT research corresponds to societal needs.

The event is free-of-charge and open to all citizens that are interested in the topic. To apply to participate at the event, you need to register HERE

Agenda (also available for download HERE):

10:00 – 10:15 Welcome and Introduction to HUB-IT Project Dana Remes
10:15 – 10:35 IT use in Healthcare – opportunities and challenges Victoria Hart
10:35 – 10:55 Adversarial AI within Healthcare Prof. Ron Kenett
10:55 – 11:15 CyberSecurity Within Healthcare Anett Madi-Nator
11:15 – 12:45 Round Table with Keynote speakers Chair: Dana Remes
12:45 – `13:00 Summation Dana Remes

Ms Victoria Hart : IT use in Healthcare – opportunities and challenges
Victoria is currently working as an advanced practitioner (social work) in a forensic mental health service. Her current role involves care planning, liaising with families and other professionals including police, prison and probation services, caseload management and advice and support in specialist areas including safeguarding adults and children and mental capacity and mental health legislation. She has a good knowledge of health and social care databases including RiO, CareNotes.  She has previously worked in an integrated rapid assessment team for older adults which assessed and provided telecare products in the home. She has also worked in healthcare regulation as an inspector with the Care Quality Commission, and has been the lead inspector for mental health services from large NHS Trusts to small independent providers 
Victoria, who is a member of the British Association of Social Workers and a Registered Social Worker (Social Work England) has an honours degree in Philosophy and Politics with a Masters Degree in Social Work and is currently studying for a doctorate in social work and has written about the use of research in social work practice 

Prof. Ron Kenett: Adversarial AI within Healthcare
Professor Ron Kenett is Chairman of the KPA Group, Israel, Chairman of the Data Science Society at AEAI, Senior Research Fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel. and Research Professor at the University of Turin, Italy. He is an applied statistician combining expertise in academic, consulting and business domains. Ron is Past President of the Israel Statistical Association (ISA) and of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). He authored and co-authored over 250 papers and 14 books on topics such as data science, industrial statistics, biostatistics, healthcare, customer surveys, multivariate quality control, risk management, system and software testing, and information quality. He is member of the of the executive academic council, Wingate academic college for sports education, member of the INFORMS QSR advisory board and member of the board of directors in several start-up companies. The KPA Group he founded in 1994, is a leading Israeli firm focused on generating insights through analytics. He was awarded the 2013 Greenfield Medal by the Royal Statistical Society and, in 2018, the Box Medal by the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics. BSc in Mathematics (with first class honors) from Imperial College, London University and PhD in Mathematics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.  

Ms Anett Mádi-Nátor: CyberSecurity Within Healthcare
Ms Anett Mádi-Nátor is currently the Deputy CEO responsible for Strategic Business Development at Cyber Services Plc. Anett has more than a decade of experience in strategic and administrative layers of information security and cyber defence both as a private sector subject matter expert and as a government representative. She is now responsible for Strategic Business Development at Cyber Services, a niche cyber security service provider operating internationally. Cyber Services has been heavily involved in cybersecurity of the Hungarian healthcare system. That includes cyber threat intelligence services specified to healthcare industry, vulnerability assessments, as well as cybersecurity development projects for more than 5 years.
Anett is an SME advocate, chairs the Information and Cyber Security Working Group of ICT Association of Hungary. She is also a Special Advisor to the organisation and member of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) Strategic Committee, and member of Board of Directors. Besides, she is the President of Women4Cyber Initiative and Foundation launched by ECSO and the European Commission. Besides, she is the President of Women4Cyber Initiative and Foundation launched by ECSO and the European Commission.
Anett’s recent appointments include Hungarian MilCIRC Head of Coordination, Administrative Head of Hungarian government cyber security centre – Cyber Defence Management Authority within the National Security Authority, NATO Cyber Coalition Exercises Core Strategic and Administrative Planner, and Lead to NATO Cyber Defence Capability Team. Up to the summer of 2015 Anett was the appointed primary policy and administrative contact point for Hungary in the Memorandum of Understanding in Cyber Defence between NATO and Hungary. She received a ministerial award for excelling public service in 2013.
Besides her successful public service and private business activities Anett is a regular speaker at various cyber security events and conferences in Europe and in the Far East.