As the oil and gas industry continues walking the digital transformation path, oil & gas majors, EPCs, refineries, pipeline operators, drilling contractors, and system integrators gather together at the Oil and Gas Automation and Digitalization Congress to address the most relevant digital issues in the industry. Co-hosted by OMV Petrom, the Congress is a meeting place for the decision-makers of Upstream, Midstream and Downstream sectors of the industry.

Taking place in Bucharest, Romania on 4-5 October, 2021, the Congress focuses on digitalization and automation of the oil and gas industry. Coverage of the latest digital trends is brought through case studies and discussion of both business-related and technical issues. With the whole value chain represented, the Congress lays out a complete overview of the newest practices and solutions. Companies like Total, MOL Group, Shell, Wood, Maire Tecnimont, ExxonMobil, McDermott, Snam, Tanap, Fluor are already among the participants.

This notion of combining automation and digitalization, which is kind of linking together two different worlds but at the same time it’s very important to do this, it is the only conference that’s doing that”, – says Chief Technical Officer of WideTech SA, Bruno Vrielynck at AUTOMA 2019.

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With oil & gas unstopping digital proliferation, the industry is in the need of technologies with capacities sufficient enough to support the ability of maintaining a constantly growing amount of data. Recent years were marked by an extensive introduction of digital and automation technologies into all sectors of the oil & gas industry. Technologies such as IoT, Big Data and Cognitive Computing have become known acquaintances to the industry experts and senior executives, and the process of implementation and development continues to move forward at unprecedented pace. However, there are even further frontiers to reach.

Special attention is given to digital technologies capable of changing the market situation completely. Roundtable 2: Digital Game-Changers is dedicated to the discussion of such technologies, namely 5G mobile communication standards and Edge computing. The low-latency 5G, capable of transmitting data practically real-time with speed exceeding that of 4G tenfold, combined with Edge computing and its potential of immediate data analysis are to be addressed as the ground breaking solutions for the industry.

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